| | | | | | | | | | | | | | TRINITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS
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Archdeacon Etienne Bowleg, Bishop Michael Eldon, Canon Basil Tynes, Canon Leo Cox, Fr. Rodney Burrows, Joyce Bastian, Oswald Bernard, Carl Bethel, Patrice Bethel, Catechist Wellington Bullard, Inez Butler, Claretta Campbell, Alma Cartwright, Wilfred Coakley, Ivan Conliffe, Tony Cooper, Geraldine Darville, Ivy Davis, ,Richard Dickenson, Sonia Edgecombe, Bert Edgecombe, Shirley Fernander, Vann Harvey, Kenneth Herious, Brenard Jordan, Bro. Jack (Philip Josephs), Nora Knowles, Willis Knowles, Ena Lambrigger, Verdell Lockhart, Carlos Major, Wanda Maragh, Cathy Martin (Faith Alive), Celeste Mitchell, DeAnne Nottage, Lucille Payne, Audrey Perpall, Winifred Pedican (Iona Stubbs mother), Charles Pinder, Ethel Pinder, Berlin Pratt, Sharon Saunders, Brunetta Sherman, Don Simms Jr., Elma Taylor (Elra Ward's sister), Edward & Pheobe Taylor (Rose Fawkes parents), Monica Thompson, Adrian Turnquest, Terecita Whymms, Brian and Jennie Wilson. | |

7:00 a.m. The Holy Eucharist
9:00 a.m. The Family Eucharist
6:30 p.m. Prayer & Praise with Teaching Ministry
Every Sunday except the last
Evensong Benediction
(last Sunday in each month)
6:30 p.m. The Church At Prayer
6:30 a.m. The Holy Eucharist
1:00 p.m. Prayer Lunch
The Parish Church of The Most Holy Trinity |
P. O. Box N 8696 • Nassau, Bahamas
Church Office: (242) 328-8677 Administration Office: (242) 322-6578
Fax: (242) 322-6578
info@holytrinitybahamas.net |
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